Story Title - You Are Now Entering the Human Heart
Author - Janet Frame
Elements of the Short Story
1. Who is the Protagonist - the main character - in the story?
The Narrator, the person who we follow through the story.
2. What Challenge or conflict does the Protagonist encounter?
The Challenge that the Protagonist faces is that when the Narrator arrives at the train station she realises she has a hour to waste till her train arrives.
3. How is the Conflict Resolved?
The Narrator decides to waste her time by going to the local Museum and she takes particular interest in the Human Heart Exhibit.
4. What other Important Characters are involved in the conflict?
The other characters in the conflict is a teacher who is taking her class around the Museum, Miss Aitcheson. The other character is the tour guide who takes the class around the Museum.
5. What kind of of person is the Protagonist?
The Narrator is quite a quiet person, she doesn't like to make loud noises or create a problem for others.
6. What Evidence in the story leads me to this opinion of the protagonist?
When the Snake is placed around the Narrator she doesn't scream immediately and run off, she takes it and just waits for it to be removed, however when the snake tries to attack her she does run off and tries to defend herself from the snake.
7. Where does the story take place?
The city of Philadelphia in the state of Pennsylvania in USA.
8. How would I describe the mood? How does the author establish this mood?
The mood is quite gloomy, there is really no resolution to the whole story, no resolution no major conflict, the story is just a bit dull.
9. Summarize the theme or central idea of this short story?
The theme of the story is that do not always believe things that people tell you, even professional's.
10. Is there a sentence or short passage that states or strongly implies the idea of this theme?
"This is a Common Grass snake. No harm, no harm at all." This comment is said by Miss Aitcheson, the tour guide. She said to our Narrator that everything will be okay.
11. The Characters and dialogue are believable and the plot engages my interest?
12. This story is written in a style that is clear and interesting?
13. This story helps me understand people and events
14. The details in this story could be easily visualized as I read?
15. Overall I rate this story as
lol read the story again. u don't even know who Ms.Aitcheson is